Last day at Google

Jason Shellen
16 years ago · 3 min read


The response to my last post has been fantastic. I've had a ton of really nice email and an abundance of comments. Thanks to everyone who wrote in and just a few quick follow-ups to provide a bit more clarity:

  • Where are you *really* going? I see you Twittering a lot, you're going to Twitter aren't you? No. I'm really going to take about 6 weeks off before I dive into the next thing. I've been approached about a few exec/CEO type positions at some smaller companies and I have a lot to think about. If I were betting on me (?), I would say odds are good that I'm going to start my own company in the fall/winter and will pick up on some great discussions I've had with VCs and angels in September. You never know though, there might be something awesome that might be a perfect fit.

  • Did you leave Google yet? I work here and I saw you lurking in a hallway, should I call Security? My last day is today. In fact, I'm planning to go to my favorite cafe (Charlie's) tomorrow at Noon on the main campus. If you are reading this blog, and are a Google employee and want to have lunch together one last time - let's meet up there, that would be fun. Please don't call Security, yet.

  • I have an idea and would like to buy you breakfast/lunch/coffee/dinner/iPhone, when is good for you? That's awesome. I love eating things but let's do it in September - I need a break.

  • My idea is awesome, you're an idiot for not listening to it now! Yes, I probably am.

  • Now that you're leaving Google, how can I get my business proposal in from of the right person? As I told the folks at the Dealmaker Media "Partnering with Gorillas" session the other night, the front door is always a good approach.

  • What will you miss about Google? The friends, the food, and the fun secret projects. Not always in that order.

  • I want to add you to my address book, how should I keep in touch? I like using LinkedIn for business contacts and here is my profile page. Otherwise, if you are just looking to hear about what's next. This blog is always a good way to go.

  • Did I see that you did an interview for the Wall Street Journal recently? Yes, as a matter a fact I did. Thanks for asking.

Clearly I'm just sandbagging now so I'll move on.

By the way, I'm going to have to work on being more salacious and print worthy. No splashy Valleywag tidbit on my exit, no Techcrunch blurb? Do I have to say something horrible about Nick Denton or Mike Arrington to get coverage in this town? Here you go, Arrington carouses with tarts and Denton... actually I hear mostly good things about him... wait I can do this... he's a cad and enjoys expensive clothes! I think I blew it. I think the last thing was actually a compliment. I think I know where nice guys finish anyway. I'll keep working on it and I'll see you on the other side of this Google thing.