Give them what they want

Jason Shellen
20 years ago · 1 min read

Wondering where you can see more of me? That puts you in an elite class with my college loan officer and my mother. Seriously folks, where can you go to find out what I *really* think? Sure, you can visit this sparsely updated blog you are enjoying(?) right now and there is a 40% chance I'll respond to your personal email but you, wonderful you, need more.

That's why I'm speaking at the Jupiter Search Engine Strategies show next Thursday in Santa Clara. I'll be on a panel speaking about 'Blogs, News Search & RSS Feeds'. I'll also be on a panel next month at Seybold 2003 in San Francisco. The subject there will be: 'PhotoBlogs and RSS: Interactive Electronic Visual Communication'. More me than most folks can handle, so let's make it fun.

If you have a question or something you would like to hear covered at either conference, add it into the comments field of this post. I will discuss Atom of course, but perhaps there is something you would like to hear about. I'm sure someone will blog the event for those of you not attending.